Gas Innovation Fund | Gas Networks Ireland
When a national regulator approves funding for a TSO to establish a Gas Innovation fund, how should it be governed and managed to ensure that it delivers value to the gas users (and that the regulator approves even more funds in the future)?
Join our host Pablo Levi this week in the fourth episode of Operationally ExcellentTM.
Today we will be talking to Ann Marie Colbert, from Gas Networks Ireland, the gas transmission system operator for Ireland, and specifically about their Gas Innovation Fund. GNI’s Gas Innovation Fund is intended to promote and encourage an environment of innovation in the gas industry. The idea is for GNI to engage with key stakeholders to share knowledge and leverage the best use of all resources for innovation. Ultimately, its intention is to foster creativity, tailor innovation and consider solutions that meet present and future needs of the gas industry and the gas consumers in Ireland.
If you would like to learn more about the Gas Innovation Fund you can visit its website by following the link below:
GNI – Gas Innovation Fund:
You can listen to the Podcast by clicking the link below: